Borderlands Zombie Island - Xbox 360

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Visit The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, where the Jakobs Corporation would like to invite you to experience the splendor of a corporate owned small town known as Jakobs Cove. Any rumors you may have heard about the “undead” walking our streets are completely preposterous and we officially deny them all. If those rumors turn out to be true simply purchase a firearm from the conveniently located Jakobs Brand Vending Machines and aim for the head. Also, would you mind saving our employees? (Non-union only please) Are you god’s gift to gun fights? Think you’re the best? Wanna prove it? Then help us celebrate the grand opening of Marcus Bank (a subsidiary of Marcus Corp) by killing hundreds and hundreds of people in Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot, the only competitive arena around where your next of kin can be assured that you’re coming back famous…or not at all. (All proceeds are kept by us)

FPS Action Meets RPG Character Progression: You can choose from one of four distinct characters and earn experience and gain proficiency in a number of specialties as they do battle with enemies. Upgrades can be invested in a wide variety of special abilities, allowing you to create a fully customized character that is tailored to their playing style
Co-op Engineered Game Design: Borderlands is built from the ground-up to be an exciting and intuitive co-operative multiplayer experience that rewards you for investing in specific co-op skills
Gun Lust: Choose from an arsenal of hundreds of thousands of weapons, each with their unique manufacturers, specifications and advantages. A revolutionary new content generation system produces almost infinite tools of destruction

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